I'm enjoying knitting monogamy this week with my Summer Orchid Cardigan. It's out of Knit Pick's Shine Sport in Orchid, and it's the first sweater I designed myself from start to finish, without using any sort of pattern. It has a lace border and will have a nosegay cable/bobble panel up the front sides. I'm almost done with the back and I'm really pleased. The yarn is soft and has great stitch definition.
I've been enjoying both spinning and knitting so much, it's hard to switch back and forth between the two.

This was last summer's sweater: Elmseed Cardigan in Saucy Sport. I made it for my sister, and the pattern was partially mine and partially software-written. All in all, it came out well, but the arms are a little tight on her, which just goes to show how important measurements are. I'm really hoping that this summer's sweater will fit me like it was made for me--because it was!
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