And just in case you forgot I have two cats, here's Chester and Nellie. They like the new chair we bought apparently for them.
It's been 10 days since I bought any yarn!
Dragging her feet into the New Millenium, The Reluctant Blogger gives way to peer pressure and creates a space where her knitting trials, travails and triumphs can reside. Warning: This is not a cat-free zone.
It's been 10 days since I bought any yarn!
Sure, you deserve one. You helped popularized lolcats from a running gag to an online sensation. Now mainstream media writes asinine columns on this 'phenomenon', students write theses on the topic, programming languages adopt the grammar, and losers write tests about them on dating sites. Now take your cheezburger and never touch the internets again.
To see all possible results, checka dis.
Link: The Which Lolcat Are You? Test written by GumOtaku on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
Love the blue western-looking stuff. I'm surprised that merino turned out so well. Nice job pardner. You ARE keeping that one. Congrats on the 10 days. You're kind of like the Grinch. (Bear with me here; I don't mean it like that!) If "there were none to be found, he'd make one instead." So you're making yarn since you're not buying any. Grinch : reindeer :: Seiding : yarn. A happy solution.
Hi. Me, again. How do you know how many yards it is?
I have two methods: as I wind each singles onto my plying bobbin (i.e. toilet paper tube), I run it through a fishing line counter. Then, for verification, I count revolutions as I wind the plied yarn onto my swift and multiply that times the diameter of the swift. Both are only approximate.
I see. Can we get a picture of any part of the process or of the equipment in a future post? Do you take requests?
Your kitties are heart-meltingly adorable!
Your handspun is beautiful too. I'm in awe because I'm just trying to get my "yarn" to stay in one piece while you produce actual, hoest-to-gourds knittable yarn.
Is it bad form to make a lot of comments on somebody's blog? If it is, I am duty-bound as a member of the Obnoxious Ass-Along to continue. If it isn't, then I can't predict what will happen. I see you added links. Good show!
Who has this kind of time, to leave all these ridiculous posts?
Thought I'd swing by and claim you here too! Good things to come, I promise!
Hi, from the future. It's February 13th.
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