Imagine a camp where all you do is knit. And camp. And meet some other knitters. And make smores. And knit! Elizabeth organized us, and The Other Knitting Camp in Wisconsin took place August 3-5, 2007. We had tons of fun, swapping yarn and knitting and getting rained on and hiking what seemed like a half a mile to get to the bathroom. Elizabeth did way more than her share of the work, and some guilt still lingers over that. We all agreed that it must become an annual event.
Celtic Coyote and Pumpkinseed

It was a nice relaxing weekend. Thank you for providing water, blueberries,and shelter,and teaching me how to make a short-row heel.
Oh wow... that sounds like great fun!
I can't wait to do it again next year! It was great to meet you in person! And everyone else, too.
Don't feel bad about work distribution. Compared to the work in taking my family camping, The Other Knitting Camp was a breeze: no one groused about the food; no one fought, called each other names, or threw tantrums.
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