Merino/silk top, 4 ounces. I think this might be an Ashland Bay product.

Kathrows and I went on Friday, and we met Celtic Coyote. We entertained quite a few bystanders by standing around with yarn on our heads, and actually accosted a completely innocent woman after she waved her arms at her husband standing a few feet away from us. These little doses of humiliation were worth it, however, to spend time with Coyote (whom some call Heather, but I suspect I might not get the hang of it), who is funny and warm and an extremely accomplished shopper.
The fair itself was really excellent. Booth after booth had to be inspected. Hardly any could be passed by without a closer look. Highlights were: The Fold (where I went gaga over the spindles but in the end restrained myself), Interlacements, Brooks Farm, Carolina Homespun (where Coyote got a spindle lesson), and Knitting Notions (excellent handdyes). I definitely plan to return next year.
Lovely fiber! All of it is fabulous, but I think I'm in love with the merino/silk top. It's ever so luscious!
I love the blue-green fiber... sooooo pretty .... soooo fluffy!
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