Pretty self-explanatory. The tea in this instance is Stash Spiced Chai, which is my favorite chai. My favorite of all teas, however, is Lloyd's of Harrowgate Yorkshire Gold. I don't drink it on work days, though, because one teabag makes two cups and I don't have time to drink two cups before I go to work, so I don't like to waste it. I get my supply of Yorkshire Gold from my world-travelling friends who go to England about once a year. They are very kind to always bring some back for me. When I'm out, I really miss it!
And that is the story of my breakfast. Really, more about tea, but what else can I say about breakfast?
What the hell kind of headline is that? Who says "quivering" in a headline, as if the petroleum itself were the texture of a giant blanc mange, which maybe it is.
Does this mean the economies of the world are set in shifting sands, have feet of clay, are subject to liquification during turbulence? Must we break step when crossing en masse? I hate that rag. At least they have a decent crossword on the weekends to enjoy with your tea. Ah, bile production seems to be getting back to normal.
Yep, I'm back. I had to look up blanc mange to make sure that I hadn't imagined it. Here is part of the excellent Wikipedia article: "Several other names for related or similar dishes existed in Europe, such as the 13th century Danish hwit moos ('white mush'), the Anglo-Norman blanc desirree ('white Syrian dish') and Dutch calijs (from Latin colare, 'to strain')." URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blancmange
Kathy, I can't believe you doubted me. Naturally I know what blanc mange is!
I'm not overly fond of the MJS either, but it has a lot of comics, which is basically what I buy it for!
mmmmmmmmm chaiiiiiiii
I was a big starbucks chai fan when I took the bus to work. I don't have time to make it for myself in the mornings though.
I could swear that that banana is getting riper.
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