I know, I know. Unforgiveable to leave the blog stagnant for five months. I could cite some excuses: started dating a guy, which has considerably cut into my knitting time (but in exchange I have discovered how much I enjoy taking motorcycle rides), a month-long bout of mono (!), big work project (not much of an excuse, as I have not made big strides on it), and most pertinently, a loss of knitting mojo. I have completed nothing since the socks I blogged in February, although I am approaching the heel of the second sock of my next pair (sorry, no pic yet), and have reached the separate-the-arms-from-the-body stage of a neck-down raglan (no pic for that either.)
Meanwhile, although I had temporarily abandoned my knitting, one of my knitting friends did not abandon me. Looky what the great
Kathrows knitted me, from yarn made of fiber we dyed together and I spun up:

I know, the picture sucks. But they are very, very fabulous.
Beads and everything, and a great textured pattern! I just love them.
I did complete a spinning project recently.

About 500 yards of tweedy wool/silk 3-ply, about 12 wpi. It has a nice rustic, bumpy texture that I'm really digging. I got the
fiber at last year's
Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Fair, which is coming up soon. It is a great show, and if you're anywhere near Chicago, I encourage you to check it out.

Finally, a bit of sad news. If you read this blog, you'll know
Chester, the world's best cat. Sadly, he developed kidney disease, and although we tried to treat it, he eventually got to the point where he wouldn't eat or drink, and I had to say good-bye. He was a devoted companion of over 12 years and slept on my bed most every night of those twelve years. He enjoyed playing hide-and-seek and I never heard him hiss. I will miss him something fierce.
Do you know how hard it is to knit-stalk somebody when you can't find them????? Sigh.
Welcome back.
And HUGE hugs...I know how hard it is to loose a treasured family member.
So glad to see you post again. And so sorry to hear about your loss and that you've been ill.
Counting down to camping...
Oh no, I'm so sorry about Chester! It's so sad when fuzzies have to go.
But it sounds like there is much good stuff happening in your life too. Yay for dating, and for people who send you socks.
Your spinning is beautiful as ever. And don't worry -- there has been a general absence of mojo all around. It'll be back once it gets cooler outside, I'm sure of it.
12 dpi. Department of Public Instruction??? Once again, Chester was a great guy and all around kitty.
Oops, yeah, that's wpi. Odd typo, that! :P
Such a fantastic purpley magenta!
And hugs as well. I know how hard it is to let go of fuzzy-faced friends.
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