What's in my purse? The answer is completely unremarkable:

The "purse" is an Eddie Bauer Touring Bag. I don't like purses, and I certainly don't spend any money on them. The idea of a $250 purse makes me clutch my chest in horror. I actually didn't carry a purse at all for many years. Wallet in one pocket, keys and sunglasses in another; that was my system, and it worked. Then I got a cell phone and I suddenly found I needed a purse. Of course, when you start carrying a purse, you start carrying a lot of junk. Here's the inventory, if you care: yarn requirement chart for sweaters, sunblock, sunglasses, glasses cleaners, assorted receipts, auto insurance info, comb, little pad of paper, random business card, contact solution, barrette, lip balm, pill box, wallet, band-aids, a handful of toothpicks I stole from a restaurant (my mother always wants one, and never has one), keys, cell phone, and Tide Stick (I am a slob and always spill on my shirt when eating.)
So there you have it. Now of these things, here's what I use often enough to justify carrying around: Wallet. Keys. Sunglasses. Tide Stick. That's it. Minus the Tide Stick, just what I carried around in my pockets in my pre-purse days. Not the cell phone, but it's there in case I need it. Last month, I logged 1 minute in calls not to my sister, which doesn't count because we share the account. Hmmm.
I'm glad to see I am not the only one with a Tide stick in her bag!
I used to have a Stain stick in my purse, but it was lost in the great Sprite vs. Addi debacle of 2006. I wonder how you keep that little vase of flowers from spilling in there.
But I want to know what's in the wallet!!!!
I don't know who makes more of a mess -- me or La Principessa. My darn Tide stick saved my backside after the great PT Mocha incident of last month.
I hear you on the Tide stick. I try to carry Shout wipes but find that I'm ALWAYS out.
Do those Tide things work? I always spill coffee on myself. Always.
I thought I was the top least minutes used in the world, but clearly I lose! And I don't see the point of more than $30 for a bag, $50 if it's leather. Yeesh.
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