Chester is my cat. He is devoted to me and I am devoted to him. He's the best cat in the whole world, even right after he pukes in three different spots on the carpet. I would really like not to perpetuate the whole knitter/crazy cat lady stereotype, but I can't help it. Isn't he such a cute boy, yes he is, Chester's my sweety-pie, kiss, kiss, kiss. See? I can't help it.
I was a really cute kid in first grade. Weren't we all? When I was in first grade, I made my teacher a Tweedy-bird shrinky-dink Christmas ornament. It was the first of dozens of crafts I took up and failed at before I became a Knitter. Some other tried and failed crafts: pencil drawing, watercolor painting, counted cross-stitch, candle-making, plastic canvas needlepoint, stencilling, leatherworking, ceramics, and on, and on, and on. The jury is still out on dyeing and weaving, but I feel pretty safe in saying the knitting and the spinning will continue.

I'm a bibliophile. This is one of my four bookshelves. The bottom two shelves are my knitting library. This particular bookcase holds all my childhood and sentimental favorites. I once placed a Yahoo! Personals Ad describing myself as a bibliophile and Packer fan and got several replies from men who thought the word bibliophile means you love the Bible. I am not a Bible-ophile, except as a somewhat interesting piece of historical fiction. I am not interested in dating anyone who can't be bothered to look up an unfamiliar word in a dictionary, but I don't mind tormenting them via e-mail with logic when they try to tell me God made the Packers win the Superbowl because Reggie White was a minister. I am a cross between a cynical heretic and a private humanist.
Speaking of Packer fans, I have not one, but two Packer schedules on my fridge. You know, in case I lose one. I have almost zero interest in any other sport, either as a spectator or a participant, but I'm a pretty rabid Cheesehead. I have never worn cheese on my head, however. I don't like to perpetuate stereotypes if I can help it. Sometimes I can't help it (see above.)
I am an IKEA devotee. At my computer desk right now, without turning my head, I can count five objects purchased at IKEA. The lampshade pictured above is not one of them--it's in my bedroom. I think the majority of the appeal, besides the cheap cheerfulness of the Swedish design, is the fact that I have to drive two hours to go there, so of course once I get there, I have to buy stuff to make it worthwhile. Psychology. It gets you every time.
So there you have it. A truly fascinating glimpse at the real me behind the avatar. One last tidbit: sarcasm is my most unbecoming trait, and the one I secretly like the most.
I didn't realise how lucky I was growing up to be very close (like 20 minute drive) from the first or second Ikea in Canada. I now live 5 minutes from one! I still find i hard to leave without anything despite being so close.
I can has cheesburger is a new favourite as well.
If I guess correctly, what do I win?
Yay Ikea!
I'm pretty much buying all my xmas prezzies there this year. My kids will either love or ahte this. I don't know.
Weird - my core is "eygoc." What's an eygoc?
I keep intending to go to Ikea, but I've never made it there. Owen wants to go to the Lego store near there, so we might have to have a mother/son outing.
Goodness, I love your cat! What a gorgeous fuzzy. I really miss my babies, now!
Oh yes, there will be SnB MKE. I haven't forgotten.
Also, I totally agree with you on the brat issue. I can't stand them marinated in beer, and I love some raw onions, ketchup, and Dijon mustard on that bun.
And drinking the beer.
Wow. The outdoors, buttons, cats, books, and Ikea. You're like my internet twin. :D
I love those buttons!
Where's the knitting???? Hmmm... Nice set of books you've got there. :D
I tell people who come to visit that ours is the house built by Ikea -- every room has furniture from Ikea. Seriously, the only thing not from Ikea is the couch in the family room and the kings sized bed in our bedroom.
I *love* that IKEA lamp! They have some embroidered pillows right now that match/coordinate, have you seen them? I'm such an enabler, but they just won't match anything in my apartment! Someone has to get them!
I hadn't even heard of Dr. Who (lack of tv/cable), I'll have to check it out!
I love your post. Its not your fault you love your kitty, kitties are just loveable. Its the purr.
I am jealous of your ability to go to IKEA!
Packer Fan, eh?
Well, you'll be able to appreciate the fact that I kissed Hall-of-Famer Chris Jacke's brother Jeff once in college.
Remind me to tell ya that story.
I love your rationale about IKEA!! I live a 14 hour drive from the nearest one in Canada, and an 8 hour drive from the nearest one in the US (but duty's a b*tch), so it's definitely necessary to buy enough stuff to make the trip worthwhile. (And yes, we drive 14 hours to go to IKEA, although we have family in that city, too, so we can rationalize it that way!)
Awww, Chester! What a sweetie! I'm not influenced at all by the fact that he looks so very much like Buddy the Cat.
I'm also a bibliophile and a recovering bad-craft practitioner. Mine were candle-making, sculpting, pencil drawing, pastels, scrapbooking and sewing.
Nice to get to know more about you!
Chester is a perfect cat name. Him iz a sweetie kitty, yes him iz.
You've gotten me addicted to icanhascheezburger! That is so cute!
LOL! I just love guys who answer your personal ad without actually reading or understanding any of the words you used. I've gotten that too.
I have the same issue with IKEA... or I used to, until one popped up in my city, now I can go and not buy anything. Well, in *theory* I can go and not buy anything. ;)
And do I spy a copy of Little House on the Prairie on your bookshelf? I didn't actually read that one until HS, but I loved it!
HA HA. . .I'm seeing some of the similarities in our two posts. If we didn't live so far apart, we would have to get together for a knitting hike.
We had that Stubbs - that exact one - hanging on the walls of our Museum last year! It's part of a private family collection in England and we somehow managed to have it another Stubbs with many horses - they are humongous and simply breathtaking. I love IKEA too - my mom helped open their first US store in Woodbridge a gazillion years ago!! Love that cute lampshade too...
Fun post!
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