Here's my first "project" on it. It's worsted-weight wool that I dyed with Kool-aid (the variegated red/green/orange) and leftover Easter egg dye (solid green). I'm just doing a plain or tabby weave right now to get a feel for it. I pretty much hated the Kool-aid yarn in the skein and couldn't stomach the thought of knitting it up. I am totally grooving on the plaid effect it is creating when weaving, though. I don't know why it's kinda wavy and I made a mistake going from one color to the next. It's obvious I'm a rank beginner!
Nellie loves weaving. She never left my side as I measured my warp and warped the loom. Last night after I came upstairs after weaving the bit you see here, she stayed downstairs calling me, and when I went down today to take pictures, she was sure I was going to start up again. Silly kitty.
Are you trying to confuse me with your multiple posts in one day??? I am wise to your tricks! Neat loom by the way.
12 dpi reed !!!!!! No way!
and Sweet, sweet kitty.
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